Park Ridge Case Study
The City of Park Ridge, Illinois is located 15miles northwest of Chicago with a population of over 37,000. They utilize a Microwave Data Systems (MDS) radio based SCADA system that monitors the fresh water supply system, three wastewater lift stations and one storm water management station. This picturesque suburb’s west border is partially formed by the Des Plaines River. On many occasions the river has risen during excessive rain storms threatening the residents whose homes are near the river. The City of Park Ridge monitors the river level through the storm water management station transmitting the information to their central SCADA computer and then on to the City manager’s office.
Until July of 2007 the river level was monitored using a bubbler system with a small copper pipe running underground from the storm water station to the river bottom. The copper pipe failed. The City of Park Ridge could no longer monitor the river level preventing them from reacting quickly during a high water event. The expense of excavating and replacing the copper tube was prohibitive. The City turned to Automatic Control Services for a solution to this problem.
Solution and Results
A solar powered MDS Solution with an ultrasonic level transmitter was installed. Automatic Control Services tied the 4-20ma signal from the radio receiver into the existing SCADA remote at the storm water station. Park Ridge could again monitor the river level and adequately serve their residents. Automatic Control Services was able to leverage the Cities’ existing SCADA system while providing a state of the art level monitoring system for the City.